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Section Ⅰ


1.courtyard n.庭院;院子;天井

2.balcony n.阳台;包厢

3.distant adj.远的,远处的→distance n.距离,间距;远方;远处

4.conflict n.斗争;冲突→conflicting adj.相反的

5.goods n.货物

6.anchor n.锚 vi.抛锚,锚定

7.tight adj.紧的,紧密的→tightly adv.紧紧地;坚固地

8.container n.容器→contain v.包含,容纳,装盛

9.restriction n.限制,约束→restrict v.限制

10.fluency n.流利,流畅→fluent adj.流利的→fluently adv.流利地

11.shave vt. & vi.剃;刮 n.刮脸,刮胡子,修面→shaver n. 剃须刀

12.thunderstorm n.雷雨,雷暴

13.appeal n.恳求;呼吁 vi.(对某人)有吸引力→appealing adj.有吸引力的,有趣的

14.botanist n. 植物学家→botany n. 植物学→botanical adj. 植物学的


1.adapt to     适应于 back to 追溯到;远在……年代

3.on a large scale 大规模地

4.take interest in 对……感兴趣

5.set up 资助;(使)开始从事某种职业

6.come across 遇到;碰见

7.quantities of 大量的

8.appeal to (对……)有吸引力;呼吁

9.a vast variety of 大量的,各种各样的


2.However, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale.

3.Cook called the bay where the Endeavour had anchored Botany bay.

4.Not only did Fortune introduce over 120 species of plants to Western gardens but he also shipped 20,000 tea plants ...


Between 1843 and 1859, there were__7__ (restrict) on the movement of Europeans and so, in order to travel unnoticed, he developed his __8__ (fluent) in Chinese even __9__ (shave) his head in the Chinese style. He experienced many adventures and succeed shipping plants to the western countries.

Although the missionaries collected large numbers of specimens, there was not enough material __10__ growing particular species in western gardens, many plant collectors managed to introduce many new plants to western gardens.

答案:1.but 3.However find 5.Facing 6.invented 7.restrictions 8.fluency 9.shaving 10.for


1.distant adj.


Have you heard the distant sound of music?你听到远处的音乐声了吗?


Those two weak boys are distant relations.那两个瘦弱的男孩是远房亲戚。


Instead of stopping to speak, she passed by with only a distant nod.她没有停下来谈话,只是冷冷地点了一下头就走了过去。

distance n.      久远;距离;冷淡;疏远

at/from a distance 离一段距离

in/into the distance 在远方,在远处

The picture looks more beautiful from a distance.这幅图画远看更美丽。



He is standing at a distance, talking to a friend of his.


Our school is about 20 kilometres distant.



There is a conflict between the two cultures.这两种文化之间存在着冲突。

come into conflict with 与……冲突,与……矛盾

in conflict with 与……冲突,与……矛盾

My daughter is in conflict with me over her career.我女儿在择业问题上与我有分歧。


conflict with    与……冲突,与……战斗

These results conflict with the earlier findings.这些结果与早期的发现相矛盾。



Your statement is in_conflict_with the rest of the evidence.


To_avoid_such_conflicts,_we should be kind to one another, which is essential to enjoying a harmonious life.



at anchor     (船)抛锚,停泊着

cast/drop anchor 下锚,抛锚;过安定生活

The ship cast/dropped anchor for the night.船抛锚过夜。

The ship lay at anchor two miles off the coast.轮船在离海岸两海里处停泊了。

(2)vi. & vt.抛锚;紧固;(使)紧紧扣牢

The tiger anchored fast to its prey.这只老虎紧紧地抓住猎物不放。


(1)We cast/dropped_anchor (抛锚) a few yards off­shore.

(2)The panel was_firmly_anchored (被紧紧地固定) by two large bolts.

4.restriction n.限制;约束

The government has agreed to lift restrictions on import.政府已经同意撤销对进口的限制。

place a restriction on sth. 对某事实行限制

restrict vt. 限制,约束

restricted adj. 受限制的,受约束的

That country has placed restrictions on press freedom.该国对新闻自由实行了限制。


(1)The supply of electric power to Madrid and neighbouring districts has to be restricted.

(2)We must place restrictions on private companies. back (to ...)追溯到;远在……年代

The college dates back to the Middle Ages.这所学校可追溯到中世纪。

out of date 过时

up to date 最新

The custom dates from hundreds of years.这一习俗流传了几百年。


In our village, there is a tower dating_from/dating_back_to (追溯到) several centuries.

2.set up


(2)建立、创立、成立(相当于found, establish)

They will set up a new training center.他们要成立一个新的培训中心。


They set up an example to us.他们为我们树立了榜样。

(4)set oneself up as sb.自认为……,自称……

He likes to set himself up as an intellectual.他喜欢自命为知识分子。


set aside        留出

set about (doing) sth. 开始(做)某事

set off 引起;导致发生;引起爆炸

set out 着手做(to do sth.);出发;陈述;阐明

set 释放

set fire to 放火烧……

set sail 起航

Careless smoking may set off fires.粗心吸烟会引发火灾。


(2)They set_up a notice on the wall.

(3)He sets_aside one hour to learn English every day.

3.come across偶然遇见;被理解;使产生……印象

I came across children sleeping under bridge.我偶然发现睡在桥下的孩子。

He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across.他讲了很长时间,但他的意思没有人真正理解。

come out 出现,出版,说出

come up 长出地面,被提及

come on 出场;加油

Many questions came up at the meeting.会上提出了许多问题。


(1)Could you tell me when the new edition is coming_out?

(2)Come_on,_you can do it.

(3)I came_across an old photo in her desk.

4.appeal to


appeal to sb. for sth.  为某事而向某人呼吁

appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事,恳求某人做某事

We appeal to the government to take measures to prevent the river from being polluted.我们呼吁政府采取措施阻止这条河流受到污染。


Sport has become an important form of entertainment, appealing to both men and women.体育运动已成为一种重要的娱乐形式,吸引着男男女女。

Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作?


appeal to arms/force    诉诸武力

appeal to the law 诉诸法律

appeal to another court 向另一法院上诉

(1)appeal n.      呼吁;恳求

make an appeal to sb. 向某人提出呼吁

(2)appealing adj. 有吸引力的;有感染力的

These subjects have lost their appeal for most students.对多数学生来说,这些学科已经失去了吸引力。



The government is_appealing_to_everyone to save water.


Bright colours appeal_to_small_children.

Working with you is a pleasure.和你一起工作是一种乐趣。

Taiwan, as you know, is part of China.如你所知,台湾是中国的一部分。

As you say, he is a friend of ours.正如你所说的,他是我们的朋友。


(2)There was a cyber cafe around here, as_I_remember (我记得).

2.However, it_was_not_until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world ...然而,直到十八和十九世纪,对植物世界的探索才……


It was your dad who answered all those letters every year.是你爸爸每年回复这些信件的。


Is it your brother who works in that company?是你哥哥在那家公司工作吗?

The patient looks much better. What is it that has made him what he is today?那个病人看上去好多了。是什么让他变成今天这样的呢?

It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.直到她摘下墨镜,我才认出她是一位著名的电影明星。

[注意] (1)强调句型的判别方法是:去掉It is/was和that/who后句子仍然完整。否则,不是强调句型。

It is there that accidents often happen.

→Accidents often happen there.


Was it in 1939 that the World War Ⅱ broke out?



It was at midnight that I got back home yesterday.


It was midnight when/before I got back home yesterday.



(1)It was along the Mississippi Riverthat Mark Twain spent much of his childhood. (where, that, which)

(2)Where was it_that we met the first time? (that, who, which)

where the Endeavour had anchored 是where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the bay。

先行词是表示地点的名词(country, school, room ...),而关系词代替先行词在定语从句中充当地点状语时,一般用where引导定语从句。

The house where he used to live has now been turned into a museum.他过去居住的房子现在已经成了博物馆。

This is the school where I joined the Party.这就是我在那儿入党的那所学校。



Can you find a situation where this word can be used?你能找出一个可以使用这个单词的情景吗?

I will go to Qingdao next week, where my son is studying.



I found my books where I had left them.



Where there is water, there is life.有水的地方就有生命。


(1)—Is that the small town you often refer to?

—Right, just the one where you know I used to worked for years.(定语从句)

(2)Make a mark where you have any doubts or questions.(状语从句)

4.Not_only_did_Fortune_introduce over 120 species of plants to Western gardens but_he_also_shipped 20,000 tea plants from Shanghai to India, ...

Fortune不但把120多种植物引进到了西方的花园里,他也用船把20 000种茶树从上海运到了印度,……


Yet through his painstaking efforts, he changed not only his own fate but also the history of America.然而通过艰苦努力,他不仅改变了自己的命运,还改变了美国历史。

(2)可连接两个并列的句子;若not only位于句首时,not only后面的句子要用部分倒装。

Most of the meals can serve two people and are under $10, so not only is it affordable but practical as well.大部分饭菜花不了10美元就够两个人享用,因此它不仅实惠而且实用。


Not only you but also he has to leave.不只是你,他也得离开。

[注意] not only只能放在一起;but also既可以连用,也可以分开;also可以省略。  


①Not only does (do) he speak English correctly, but he also speaks it fluently.

②Not only the students but also their teacher likes (like) playing football.



①Not only will this opportunity make you happy, but also_satisfy_your_interest in Chinese operas.

②This opportunity will not only make you happy, but_also satisfy_your_interest in Chinese operas.


Learning about Language


1.lower vt.降低,跌落;减弱→low adj.低矮的

2.beard n.胡须

3.ripe adj.熟的,成熟的,时机成熟的→ripeness n.成熟,老练→ripen (使)成熟

4.irrigation n.灌溉→irrigate v.灌溉

5.weed n.野草,杂草

6.spear n.矛;标枪

7.string n.线,细绳,一串


9.postpone vt.推迟,延迟

10.monument n.纪念碑→monumental丰碑式的


result in     导致


1.There was not much room left for the crew.



1.ripe adj.


Soon ripe, soon rotten.[谚]早熟早烂,[喻]早慧早衰。


This field is ripe for sowing.这块地已适合于播种了。

be ripe for ... ……的时机成熟;准备就绪;适于……

The time is ripe for reforming the education system.改革教育体制的时机已经成熟。

比较ripe, mature

The peaches are not mature/ripe.桃还没有成熟。


Peach trees are considered mature when they begin bearing fruit.桃树开始结果便成熟了。


(1)Having spent the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.

(2)A green banana is not ripe/mature enough to eat.

2.postpone vt.延期;延缓;搁置

We postponed the match from March 5th to March 19th.我们把比赛从3月5日推迟到3月19日举行。

postpone doing sth.   延期做某事

She postponed getting married because of her career.由于事业她推迟了婚期。

比较postpone, delay



(2)Their arrival will be delayed (delay) because of heavy traffic.

3.monument n.纪念建造物;纪念碑(与to连用)

This pillar is a monument to all those who died in the civil war.这根纪念柱是为所有那些在国内战争中牺牲的人所建的纪念碑。

the key to sth.    ……的钥匙、答案或关键

the access to sth. ……的通道或使用方法

the entrance to sth. ……的入口


The key to solving the problem (解决问题的关键) is to find the person who has witnessed the scene.

1.result in造成;导致

The earthquake resulted in thousands of deaths.这次地震造成了成千上万人的死亡。

These policies resulted in many people suffering hardship.这些政策使得许多人在困苦中挣扎。

(1)result from 由……造成;因……而产生

(2)as a result 结果

as a result of 作为……的结果

without result 没有结果;白费

However, pollution and other serious problems have also resulted from human progress.但是,人类的发展也产生了污染和其他严重的问题。

The city is at the cross of many railways and highways; as a result, it is convenient to transport.这座城市位于交通枢纽处,因此交通便利。

She had called three times to her son, but without result.她已给儿子打了三次电话,可是毫无结果。

1.There was not much room left_for_the_crew.没有给全体队员留下足够的空间。


①以a­开头的表示状态的形容词,一般在句子中当表语成分,但作定语时须后置,类似的形容词有:alive, asleep, alike, alone, awake, aware, ashamed, absent, afraid, available等。

Tom was the only boy awake at that time.那时汤姆是唯一醒着的男孩。

②部分表示方位、处所、时间的副词如here, there, above, below, upstairs, downstairs, outside, inside, around, today, nearby等常作后置定语。

A boy outside is waiting for you.外面的男孩正在等你。

We have five remaining books.

→We have five books left.我们还剩五本书。

⑤有些词既可当作前置定语又可当作后置定语,但含义不一样。如:used, concerned, present。


The girl referred to is a friend of mine.刚才提到的那个女孩是我的朋友。

The building being built is our school.正在建设的大楼是我们的学校。


(2)The story (which_was)_written_by_a_middle_school_student (一个中学生写的) is popular in schools.

(3)There is little time_left (剩余时间); you must hurry.

to wash in作定语修饰其前面的名词water。因为主语we与动词不定式构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以动词不定式采用主动形式。

She usually has a lot of meetings to attend.她通常有许多会议要参加。

[注意] 当不定式被用作定语时,若句中有其表示的动作的发出者,应用不定式的主动形式;若没有动作的发出者,则用被动形式。

I will go shopping.Do you have anything to be bought?我要去购物。你有什么要(我为你)买的吗?


(2)It was an exciting moment to_remember (记住).

(3)They made a plan to_set_up (组建) a club for car fans.




避免错过少延期  avoid,miss,put off

建议完成多练习 advise,finish,practice

承认否定与嫉妒 admit,deny,envy

逃避冒险莫原谅 escape,risk,excuse

忍受保持不介意 stand,keep,mind

Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?把收音机的声音调低点你介意吗?

The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.这只松鼠很幸运没有被抓住。

I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.我横穿马路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑过来。


决定学会有希望 decide/determine/resolve, learn, hope/wish

同意安排别假装 agree, arrange, pretend

胆敢拒绝定失败 dare/venture, refuse/decline, fail

准备设法来帮忙 prepare, manage, help

提出要求付得起 ask/offer, demand/ask, afford

答应计划理应当  promise, plan, be supposed

努力期盼别犹豫 endeavor, desire/expect, hesitate

想要发誓作保障 want/would like/should love, pledge/swear/vow,guarantee

His father has decided to give up smoking.他的父亲已经决定戒烟了。



The flowers in the garden need watering/to be watered.花园里的花需要浇水了。

(4)在remember, forget, regret等动词后,用两种形式时间概念不同。

①+to do记住/忘记/抱歉将要做……

②+doing/having done记住/忘记/后悔曾做过……

—Have you forgotten borrowing a ruler from Betty?

—Oh, yes.But I remember returning it to her the next day.






Please hand me the book.请把书递给我。

He owes me five dollars.他欠我五美元。

Her mother bought her a skirt.她妈妈为她买了一条裙子。



They gave the house to John.他们把房子给了约翰。

He sold his old car to one of his neighbors.他把旧车卖给了他的一个邻居。

Please explain the sentence to us.(正确)

Please explain us the sentence.(不正确)



I have bought some chocolate for you.我给你买了一些巧克力。

[注意] 如果直接宾语为人称代词那么必须把直接宾语放在间接宾语前,且间接宾语前加上适当的介词。

I handed it to our teacher.我把它递给了我们的老师。

不能说:I handed our teacher it.


You are asking a lot of them if you expect them to work at the weekend.如果你希望他们在周末上班,你就要求的太多了。

Parents expect too much of children.父母对孩子期望太高。

[注意] warn sb. of sth.,remind sb. of sth.,inform sb. of sth.等不属于上述情况。


Using Language


1.rot vt. & vi.腐烂;腐败

2.evolve vt. & vi.发展;进展;进化→evolution n. 演变;进化→evolutionism n. 进化论;进化说

3.attach vt.缚上;系上;附加

4.typical adj.典型的,有代表性的→typicality n.典型性;特征→typically adv. 代表性地

5.delicate adj.精巧的;脆弱的;微妙的→delicately adv.巧妙地;细致地

6.fragrant adj.芬芳的;香的→fragrance n. 香味;芬芳

7.dull adj.不鲜明的;阴暗的→dully adv.萧条地;不景气地

8.fruity adj.果味的;(酒)有葡萄味的


1.pass on  进入另一个(活动)阶段;前进;传给后代

2.depend on 依靠;取决于

3.give out 发出(气味、 热等);分发


1.For example,yellow flowers attract bees, while red flower attract butterflies.

2. ...usually the nectar is at the end of a small, narrow tube_whose length is the same as the tongue of a particular species.


表达情感:惊奇、厌恶(Expressing emotions:wonder,disgust)

1.evolve v.逐步发展;逐渐演变;进化;进化形成

evolve from sth.   由某物/从某物进化而来

evolve into sth. 逐渐形成某物

The three species evolved from a single ancestor.这三种生物从同一祖先进化而来。

After billions of years, some species evolved into their present forms.几十亿年之后,一些物种才演变成了它们现在的形式。

evolution n.        进化;演变

evolutionary adj. 进化的,演变的

The teacher is explaining the theory of evolution to the students.老师正在给学生们解释进化论。



He evolved_a_new_theory after many years of research.


They should evolve_the_useful_information_from a mass of confused evidence.

2.attach vt.缚上;系上;附加

attach ...  把……固定(附在)……上

attach importance/significance/value to sth. 认为……有重要性


attach to 与……有联系/关联

Please attach a recent photo to your application form.请在申请表上贴一张近期照片。

I attach great importance to this research.我认为这项研究十分重要。

attached adj.      依恋的;附加的

be attached to 附着于;依恋

What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the Earth.




All of us attach_great_importance_to the English learning.


I am_attached_to every tree and bush in my hometown.


No blame attaches_to him for the accident.

3.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;一向如此的

be typical of ... 是典型的……;是……的特点

It is typical of sb. to do sth. 做……是某人的特点;某人一向如此

typically adv. 典型地,有代表性地

It was typical of him to be so rude.他一向都是这样粗鲁无礼。

Researchers have found that the first two children in a family are typically more different from each other than the second and third.研究人员发现一个家庭的前两个孩子之间与第二个和第三个孩子之间有更加明显的差异。



At first, fever is_typical_of the disease, but it typically takes several weeks to appear.

(2)Typically, he is ready to help others.


1.pass on进入另一个(活动)阶段;前进;传给

Read the newspaper, and then pass it on.读完报纸后,往下传。

pass sth. on to sb.   将某物传给某人

pass away 去世

pass by 走过,经过

pass sth. down 从一代传给下一代

pass out 昏倒,失去知觉

pass through 经过,经历

The old man has passed through lots of sufferings.这位老人饱尝了辛酸。


(1)Some customs have died out but some will pass on for some time.

(2)I nearly passed out when I saw all the blood.

(3)The tradition has been passed down from father to son for generations.

(4)They all waved as they passed by.

2.depend on依靠;依赖

Not having a car or knowing the city, I was depending on a couple of buses to get me from A to B.由于没有车,而且对这个城市也不熟悉,所以我依靠公交车来往于A、B两地。

depend on/upon do sth.      依靠某人做某事

depend on/upon sb. for sth. 靠某人供给某物

depend on/upon it that ... 相信……

That/It (all) depends. 视情况而定。



(1)You may depend on it that I can come on time.

(2)He depends on his parents to_take (take) care of his children.

(3)Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.

3.give out


Give the money out to the children.把钱分给孩子们。


Our food supply at last gave out.我们的食物终于用完了。

His strength gave out.他已精疲力竭。


The radio is giving out a signal.这收音机发出了一种信号。

give back    归还

give away 赠送,颁发;放弃(机会)

give in 屈服,投降,退让(to)

give off (散)发出(蒸气),发散(光线)

give up 放弃,停止

Never give in to any difficulty.



(1)Eventually I gave in and accepted the job on their terms.

(2)My money was beginning to give out and there were no jobs to be found.

(3)You can look at it as long as you give it back.

1.For example,yellow followers attract bees, while red flowers attract butterflies.




Mary watched TV while she had supper.玛丽边吃饭边看电视。

He caught a cold while (he was) on vacation.他度假时患了感冒。

There will be life while there is water and air.只要有空气和水,就有生命。



Good habits always lead to high efficiency, while_bad_ones_lead_to_the_opposite.

2.... usually the nectar is at the end of a small, narrow tube whose_length is the same as the tongue of a particular species.


They cleaned the house whose windows faced south.(修饰从句的主语)他们把那所窗户朝南的房子清扫了。

The gentleman,with whose daughter I worked,looked down upon women.(修饰从句的介词宾语daughter)那位先生看不起妇女,他的女儿曾经跟我一块工作过。



He is the boy whose_pen_I_borrowed yesterday.


Last month,parts of northeast China were struck by floods, from_whose_effects the people are still suffering.








参考词汇:步行街 pedestrian street

当当车 trolley car 地铁 subway




Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it.





Li Hua


Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it.


Li Hua





介绍一种你熟悉的花,如:rose(玫瑰),chrysanthemum(菊花),orchid(兰花),lily(百合),daffodil(水仙花),Rafflesia arnoldii(大王花)等。你可以从以下几个方面介绍这种花:













Rafflesia arnoldii



Section ⅠⅠ.高频单词点击1.courtyard n.庭院;院子;天井2.balcony n.阳台;包厢3.distant adj.远的,远处的→distance n.距离,间距[详情]



蛤蜊油,雅霜,郁美净,大大小小扁铁皮盒子的友谊、…… 你都还记得么?仔细回忆了一下,童年记忆,虽然日子没有现在好,但是真的非[详情]










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